Saturday, August 17, 2019

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Evergreen Vally High School

Hari and I take great pleasure in inviting all of you to Ananya's vocal arangetram on Aug 17th. We would be delighted to have your presence, enjoy the concert and bless her if your schedule permits . If you are busy we seek your remote blessings for all of us Pls rsvp at it would really help me plan the logistics part better.
While Ananya continues her musical journey with the milestone step this weekend, I would like to take a moment to ack the community that has played a role in keeping her enthusiasm and her interest.
The group performance experience, the concerts that we heard every month, feature a guru events, the innumerable amount of friends she made outside of paatu/veena class is enriching and encouraging and plays a huge role in sustaining her interest and enthusiasm. Thanks to the entire CCC community.
The CCC experience started from her dad's participation in the first year anniversary event (I remember she used to run with her dad to be part of the practice sessions ). The fun we had at BharatDarshan, the Mayamalawa group in 5th year (we still hum the songs in the car and that actually got be into liking and playing classical music in my car ) to our Dasha Tarangini event.
This is the platform where we enjoy collaborating with so many other schools and get to know so many like minded people. On our ride back from CCC many a times the family continues discussing what they heard at the event. each of the performances by our ccc kids was an impactful and inspirational learning experience for us. Thanks everybody.
Padma reminded me that her first vocal at CCC was Mar 2012 with support from Vignesh T and Sanjay and I know she experimented and looked forward to each of her performance be it vocal or veena - thank you everybody and hope to see all of the CCC kids continue enjoying what they do. All the best to all the kids for their school journey too.
Priya (for Hari and Priya)

Other Events

Shaini Shiva & Harini Govind -Violin duet arangetram

Sunday, August 18, 2019

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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