Sunday, August 30, 2009
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Hello CCC team,
WE ARE GROWING! This was evident from the well attended concert yesterday (around 115 attended out of 129 RSVPs) and Thanks to each of you for making CCC concerts part of your routine. I have to say special thanks to all who came ON TIME so we could start and end the event as scheduled. Every month introduces us to new aspects to doing this and we are quickly adapting to it (I think and hope you agree!) as we take toddler steps towards our first anniversary!
Thanks to all the wonderful performers, the concert was of good quality and enjoyable! I'm sure one of the members will come forward to do a write up of the individual performances. Thank you kids for keeping up with your allotted timeline guidance and doing a great job and my sincere regards to the parents for your co-operation in getting them ready for the program. Geeta did an awesome job with her quiz presentation and I'm sure she would have learnt a lot of things (I heard she read a lot of carnatic music books to come up with this quiz) and she has definitely highlighted to our kids the fact that this music is an ocean and there is much to learn from!
I must thank Akila, Shankar and Geeta for opening up their home for the event yesterday. We had the largest number of attendees yesterday and they had staged the house to accommodate all comfortably! As much as it was a lot of effort to host this, Akila mentioned that she wants to join us every month in the setup work after she realized that it was in fact a `fun chore' to do!
We missed Namdev but he was kind enough to help us run the event smoothly with no technical glitches even in his absence, with all his guidance and support, and we owe him a lot for his undivided care and support to CCC. Thank you Namdev! Now comes the deserving attention to Kanaka and what she did for us yesterday! She managed the entire sound system setup (even though Namdev guided her, it took a lot of her time and effort) and helped run the event without any issues, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH Kanaka, for temporarily taking Namdev's place at our time of need.
Thank you food volunteers Viji, Usha, Godha, Padma Nayak, Ramya, Kasthuri, and Lakshmipriya for providing yummy lunch and a BIG THANK YOU to all those ladies who really helped with food packing/extra food cooking at the venue! Akila provided extra ingredients to quickly makeup deficiency and all this happened while we were enjoying the program so please accept our sincere thanks for your much needed help.
I don't know how to cover all aspects without making it this long so apologies on that front. We do not have an event in October so see you all in November. Wish you all a Happy Navarathri season and a music filled September/October!
Best Regards,
Padma Mohan